Welcome to the website where you can learn about what Glasgow City is doing to #Keep the Promise.

We have a detailed Promise Plan for the city which covers a wide range of activities from what we are doing in our virtual school to how we are working hard to make sure brothers are sisters stay together or keep in contact if they cannot live at home or with their wider family network.

Our priority in Glasgow is to make sure children and young people are supported within their families and we are committed to ensuring families get support when they need it most.

Our Family Support Service is available to all families and our Intensive Family Support Service is there for families who are worried about their children or young people having to be supported in a care placement.

We would welcome any comments or suggestions about this or anything else you think might help us to make our services better.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Susan Orr, Head of Children’s Services
in Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership

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