There’s an exciting new development in Glasgow for care experienced children and young people – a new Champions Board is being created!
We talk to Chizy Lingham, Promise Participation Worker at Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership to find out more…
What is a Champions Board?
The Champions Board is made up of care experienced young people and is an opportunity to represent and advocate for other care experienced children and young people. The Champions Board will link in with the Adult Champs (which will be made up of senior management, corporate parents, councillors etc). This provides an opportunity for them to ‘speak to power’; with the Adult Champions making changes, based off the suggestions from the Champions Board, to better the experience of those who are living in care.
Who can get involved? Is there an age limit?
Any young person from any care background is welcome. At the moment we are seeking young people who are 15 plus, but we have a vision to set up a Mini Champions Board in the future.
What kind of things do a Champions Board do?
Champions Boards can get involved in lots of things – there’s so much variety. Our agenda will be set by the young people; that will include the kind of activities we do and the topics we’ll discuss. We want this to be a quality experience, with the opportunity for training and gaining qualifications as well.
Is it all serious, or do you have some fun?
We definitely want this to be a fun experience for all! Children and young people are over consulted as it is, with a lot of them not knowing where their information has gone or whether it has made any difference. As much as we want to hear from the young people about how we can do better for them, we want them to have fun while doing so – and get something worthwhile from being on the Champs Board. There will hopefully be the chance to train and gain qualifications, experience fun activities and make new social connections with likeminded young people.
Will the Glasgow Champions Board be involved in Keeping The Promise? If so, what are they going to be working on?
Absolutely! Children and young people’s voice will be at the heart of the Champs Board. It will be their voice that will inform our agenda, our activities, what training they want to do, what topics they want to talk about and their voice will advocate for other care experienced young people. It will be their voice that is linked in with the Adult Champs, with them making changes to service based on what the children and young people have said. This will be a continuous feedback loop, with the voice of children and young people being heard – which will positively impact and shape their care experience, and the care experience of many children and young people.
I am interested in getting involved, where can I find out more/register my interest?
We would love to hear from you. You can get in touch by emailing
Good luck to the new Champions Board. We look forward to hearing how things develop.