Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV) recently created two eye catching window displays in the Merchant City.
Board Members from OHOV installed two window displays at the Children’s Hearings Centre in Bell Street.
The first one celebrates the links between their 40 Calls to Action and many of the recommendations made in The Promise Hearings for Children report around themes such as respect, participation, inclusion, personalisation, and voice.
The second window is centered around the different areas of work that OHOV are involved in including VOICE, their magazine for children and young people.
This display also showcases some of OHOV’s work around the language used in the Children’s Hearings System, including a QR code to their interactive virtual language bin, an app where children and young people are invited to virtually ‘bin’ words and phrases they would like to see removed from the Children’s Hearings System, and view which words have been binned the most over time.
If you are in the city centre, swing by and have a look – they are fabulous!