Our People

Glasgow’s Promise Keepers

You can contact any of our Promise Keepers at their e-mail addresses below. If you would prefer not to use e-mail, please contact Alison Cowper on 0141 287 0499 and she’ll help you with a phone number for the person that you’d like to talk to.

Julie Allen

Julie Allen

Service Manager – North East Glasgow

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership


Erica Barr

Erica Barr

Service Manager – Children’s Residential Services

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership


Paul Boyle

Paul Boyle

Service Manager – Children’s Residential Services

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership


Julie Allen

Julie Allen

Service Manager – North East Glasgow

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership


Erica Barr

Erica Barr

Service Manager – Children’s Residential Services

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership


Paul Boyle

Paul Boyle

Service Manager – Children’s Residential Services

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership


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