About Us

In October 2016, the First Minister announced an independent root and branch review of care that should be shaped by the voices of children, young people and adults with experience of care and 5,500 of those people informed this.
The Care Review concluded in February 2020 by publishing “The Promise” – Scotland’s pledge to make things better for our children, young people and their families who need our help and support.
Glasgow’s Delivering the Promise Board
Glasgow’s Delivering the Promise Board is a group of people who make decisions on the best ways to support care experienced children and young people in Glasgow.
The Board is made up of people from:
Social Work
The Health Service
Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA)
Children’s Hearings Scotland
Police Scotland
Children’s Rights
Children’s charities
The board meets on a monthly basis to make sure that we are doing what we need to do to be the best parents that we can be for our children.
The board is responsible for Glasgow’s Promise – our commitment to our children, young people and their families. Because if it matters to you, it matters to us. We want Glasgow’s children living with their families, in their own communities and at their own schools wherever possible.

We welcome what The
Promise is asking us to do.
We will Keep The Promise.