Our Plan

We have published our Plan 21-24. It is what we will do between 2021 and 2024 to make sure that we are keeping Glasgow’s Promise.

Everyone that contributed to this plan was asked to think about:
“What’s working well?”
“What’s not working so well?”
“What do we need to do?”
“Who will do this?”
We have answered each of the questions under the five foundations of The Promise
How we will know if we are getting it right in Glasgow?

We will only know if we are getting this right by asking ourselves this question often. But we won’t know the answer alone. Glasgow’s children, young people and families will tell us. We need to hold your hands, but we need you to hold ours too to make sure we get this right together.
All families in Glasgow will have the support they need, and this support will be for as long as they need it.
More of Glasgow’s children will stay living with their families, where it is safe to do so.
Our children who live away from their families will belong to a loving home in Glasgow, and feel loved.
Our children who cannot live with their families, will live with their brothers and sisters where it is safe to do so.
Our children that we care for who live apart from their brothers and sisters are able to keep relationships with them and other people who matter to them whenever it is safe to do so and in a way that they would like to.
Our young people who are in our care are able to keep living where they are until they reach adulthood (if they want to) and when ready to move on, get the support that they want and need to do so.
Glasgow’s young people that we have cared for continue to receive our parenting support as they move into adulthood. As good parents, we understand that we might need to provide this often and at different times in young adult’s lives.
Our children and young people will be able to get advocacy support and legal advice if they want and need this.
We will do everything that we can to not use physical restraint in our children’s houses. We will work alongside other services who care for Glasgow’s children to end this happening.